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Anna-Mariya Skakodub


Business Management (B.A.)

My decision was fueled by a powerful founding principle of NLU that quality education can transform lives

Anna-Mariya Skakodub is one student who has embraced the community at NLU, and Chicago as a whole, while earning her Bachelor of Science in Business Administration. Coming from Ukraine, Anna-Mariya took her time finding a university that aligned with her beliefs and priorities as a student. She says that NLU’s principles of diversity, social justice and high-quality education are what convinced her to attend.

“My decision to apply for the B.S. in Business Administration at National Louis University in Chicago was fueled by a powerful founding principle of NLU that quality education can transform lives, careers and communities, which is a belief I personally share from early childhood. Coming from an ordinary family in Ukraine and being the oldest child among my two brothers and a sister, my parents raised me with a strong sense of leadership and protection.”

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