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Current Student

Lily Sarfaraz


Clinical Psychology (Psy.D.)

“I strive to uplift others and improve their chances of reaching their full potential, regardless of where they stand in life.”

NLU students come from all walks of life, with aspirations as diverse as their histories, but they tend to share a passion for lifting those around them. Lily Sarfaraz has not only that passion, but a vision, too.

With the Doctorate of Psychology she’s pursuing at the Florida School of Professional Psychology at NLU’s Tampa location, Lily plans to advocate for military veterans by providing individualized mental health care to a community that is often overlooked.

NLU’s commitment to providing a hands-on, real-world education to future psychologists helps Lily today. But her dream of “bridging the gap in healthcare disparities, promoting a veteran healthcare system that continuously evaluates its practices, advocating for an understanding of diverse individuals and ensuring no veteran is ever left behind” is a reminder that she’ll be helping the world tomorrow.

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